Dawn’s Blog2019-01-24T02:04:24+00:00

Dawn’s Blog

102, 2019

Do You Know You’re in A Toxic Relationship?

By |February 1st, 2019|0 Comments

It is very common for partners in toxic relationships to feel confused and to self-blame for the problems in the relationship. Many people in Pathological Love Relationships (PLRs) don’t know they are being abused. There is another type of red flag—which is also important to recognize if you are concerned about a friend or family member. The following 18 tip-offs indicate you or a loved one may be dealing with a toxic, pathological partner. These indicators generally get worse over time. But they’re interspersed with “love bombing” or “honeymoon periods” to keep you attached by generating hope. These techniques are also called “hoovering”—after the vacuum cleaner—because they’re designed to suck you back in when you try to leave or [...]

2501, 2019

Why Me? How To Avoid A Toxic Relationship

By |January 25th, 2019|0 Comments

If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, how can you avoid getting into a toxic relationship (Pathological Love Relationship) in the first place? Unfortunately, you probably can’t. Because these people are charming, usually quite attractive, smart and highly practiced manipulators. If one targets you—no matter your economic, cultural, racial, intellectual or any other station in life—you will likely fall for them. However, there are things you can do to minimize your vulnerability and step away from the relationship sooner rather than later. Protecting Yourself  In the early stages of dating: Don’t reveal too much about yourself too quickly. Take it slowly, don’t loosen your boundaries too soon and watch for their reactions when you put [...]

1801, 2019

So…What Is A Toxic Relationship?

By |January 18th, 2019|0 Comments

The simple answer: If you feel worse about yourself since meeting your partner, you are probably in a toxic relationship. If continued for a long time, it damages your core self-worth and is harmful to your own mental health. The term “toxic relationship” or Pathological Love Relationship (PLR) usually refers to a relationship where one of the partners has a Cluster B personality disorder, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) used by mental health therapists. The Cluster B disorders are better known to the public as narcissism, antisocial and borderline personality disorder. Cluster B refers to personality disorders that are “dramatic and erratic” and they, along with psychopathology, are considered the most damaging to partners. Other [...]

Survive, Transform, Soar! Update

The Survive, Transform, Soar! inbox magazine has ceased publication. Prior feature articles can be found here and new articles from our experts can be found on the blog page. Our website is currently in transition, but please check back in the late Spring when I plan to have all of the full issues available.